The Infrastructure Business is Built on Assets

Fact: Safe operation over decades depends on timely, effective and sufficient maintenance and inspection as well as upgrades and capital improvements

Fact: Data loss occurs with every acquisition / divestiture

Fact: Complex financing mechanisms – investment funds, debt instruments, tax equity credits – require sophisticated tracking against assets

Behavior: Data is taken for granted – we expect it to be there when we need it

Behavior: Finance typically tracks expenditure of capital and depreciation of constructed or acquired assets at a higher level than is effective for operations and maintenance

Opportunity: Electronic asset data captured once (earliest point in life cycle) can be used many times – for next phase capital improvements, for investment performance reporting, for sale, for compliance, for asset optimization


  • Build a shared asset hierarchy to document and manage relationships among assets, data, and systems
  • Embed end-to-end asset data flow in business processes to optimize asset performance
  • Validate current assets and associated data

Benefits: Reduce spend; increase productivity; reduce risk; maximize asset value